Learn To Swim : When Are Kids Ready To Learn How to Swim?

Learn To Swim : When Are Kids Ready To Learn How to Swim?
Most parents think their babies are still too small to join baby swimming classes and so they decide to wait for some more time. However, as a parent you must realize that there is no magical age when your child will be ready to learn how to swim.

You should consider two parameters for judging whether your child is ready to learn how to swim or not. The first parameter is your child's comfort level in water. Once you notice that your child enthusiastically swims from one end of the pool to the other with his swim gear on you should take it as a very positive sign. However, you must consider another factor before sending him for infant swim lessons. Make sure that he is not below four years of age.

Learn To Swim : When Are Kids Ready To Learn How to Swim?

Even though there are professionals present at the infant swim classes there is always the risk of drowning since your child is too small. Moreover the water contains strong chemicals which can cause serious damage to your baby's tender skin as well as his vital parts such as the eyes.
Learn To Swim : When Are Kids Ready To Learn How to Swim?

Another important reason is that your child does not have his physical abilities fully developed before the age of 4. For example, his legs would not be strong enough for properly breaking the water and the feet would not get aligned with the centre line of the body to exert optimal force. As a result, your child would spend a lot of energy but would not be able to learn much from his swimming classes.

Learn To Swim : When Are Kids Ready To Learn How to Swim?

This is the reason most swimming experts suggest that you should utilize the ages between 0 and 4 years to introduce your child to the pool instead of sending him for baby swim classes. The best way to introduce your child to the pool is to take him along when you hit the pool. Try to make it a family affair so that the child really enjoys being in the pool. Initially keep child in your arms (occasionally splashing water at him), but once he starts to enjoy the water let him stand on his own in the shallow part of the pool. Make sure you keep your hands right behind him in order to avoid unpleasant accidents. As time passes, this practice should gradually be replaced with the usage of swimming gears. And in no time you will find your child ready for joining an infant swimming school.

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Alisa said...

Thanks for sharing a nice blog. Learn to swim is necessary to all who want to join in the Infant or Adult Swim Lessons.

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